There is a bridge between time and eternity; this bridge is the individual soul.

My Offerings…

Intuitive Counseling

If you are interested in getting more profound results in self-realization, clearing issues, and creating energetic solutions to specific problems, then private sessions are the answer. In these sessions I will help you discern the inner voice of your own intuitive wisdom. You will feel the magic and joy personal empowerment brings to your life when you are in right alignment with your higher soul self.

I use a lot of Clearing techniques, and one of the most powerful things that Clearing and Balancing can do is uncover fixed attitudes and beliefs about ourselves, others and life, many which we formed in early childhood. These create sub-personalities or states of being that we often act from instead of our true Self. All of these inner states have their basis in incomplete and unresolved relationships from our past. Unless cleared, integrated, or continuously managed, these beliefs and states continue to create the same patterns in our life over and over again, especially in our relationships! As people age, these patterns become increasingly entrenched. I have deep compassion for these challenges that individuals experience as a result of fixed beliefs and states, as these blockages set the stage for dis-ease in our bodies, minds and spirits keeping us from living life with optimal health, happiness and true freedom. They interfere with our ability to share our voices, our hearts from our most authentic self.


Meditation is a key grounding and mindfulness element in journeying to wholeness. From stress management to manifesting your dreams of the life you wish to live. I will share with you these tools to calm the mind, body and spirit so you may employ these all valuable practices every day, in every situation.

you are a conduit. Art is standing with one hand extended into the universe and one hand extended into the world and letting ourselves be a conduit for passing energy. -Albert Einstein

you are a conduit. Art is standing with one hand extended into the universe and one hand extended into the world and letting ourselves be a conduit for passing energy.
-Albert Einstein

Loss & Grief


Death Opens A Door To Our Heart

As we live and love fully, we experience loss and grief. Whether through a break-up, divorce, betrayal, loss of health, loss of finances or death. Loss brings grief into your mind and spirit. Sadness and unwanted states of being can get stuck in your body. In using the varied healing modalities we are able to recognize grief and integrate into a more whole understanding about life to bring about the joy in living.

My story…

Traumatic loss flung open a door to the inner workings of my heart - that place deep within the soul where healing and wisdom wait, patiently, for us to remember what brings joy and why we are here. My son, Daniels death cracked open my soul and served as a catalyst to deepen my spiritual awakening and my desire to serve in an ever expanded capacity. I arrived at a place of gratitude, thankful for the spiritual journey prompted by my sons death.

We’re all just walking each other home.




The purpose of the IBF is to promote a heart-centered approach to Breathwork, its theory and practice, for the expansion of consciousness, and for personal and global transformation.

Breathwork is a form of conscious breathing that goes beyond the physical aspects of inhaling and exhaling. It is known as a body-mind technique to create mental, emotional and physical well-being as well as enhance personal transformation. Breathwork helps release emotional turbulence and slow down the mind. It can also be used as a spiritual technique to connect you with Source bridging heaven and earth.

Breathing Strength & Capacity is Linked to Spiritual Strength & Capacity.

Crete, Greece photo credit: SuziUniting and inspiring people through conscious breathing.

Crete, Greece
photo credit: Suzi

Uniting and inspiring people through conscious breathing.

In June, 2019, I attended The Global Inspiration Conference (GIC) at Joshua Tree Retreat in the desert of California. The GIC is a week-long international Breathwork celebration. It is open to people of all ages and backgrounds, with or without prev…

In June, 2019, I attended The Global Inspiration Conference (GIC) at Joshua Tree Retreat in the desert of California. The GIC is a week-long international Breathwork celebration. It is open to people of all ages and backgrounds, with or without previous experience in Breathwork. The conference is an uplifting, open-hearted, co-created gathering with world leading Breathwork teachers and lecturers. This gathering was truly transformative for me, as it creates a platform for you to learn, experience, discover and transform through the power of breath. The unconditional love between people from all over the world creates a life changing experience!

Light The Way to An Awakened World, Through Unity, Grace, Wisdom, and Love.

Intuitive Healing -- Energy Work -- Reiki

Everything is energy! We are beings of light!

Balancing your vital - subtle energy systems (Chakras)


Human problems on all levels---spiritual, mental, emotional and physical---are caused by contraction, the inability to radiate energy freely due to blockages in the human energy system. I will help you learn how to release energy blockages, thereby healing yourself and enabling you to enjoy life to its fullest. 

At this moment in history, the Earth and the human community, which includes every individual human being, suffers because of the poisoning of the physical environment. But the physical dis-ease is merely the symptom of a deeper dis-ease on the energy level. By healing ourselves energetically we begin to heal the collective energy field which surrounds us and permeates us and our planet.

Research tells us that most dis-ease of the physical body has a background of inflammation and we know that mind and emotion affect the body at a cellular level. So, if your body is expressing dis-ease then anything we do to decrease inflammation moves us in a direction of self regulation and balance. And part of this process must include becoming into your own wholeness.

As we work together, we will recognize and balance these vital energy centers that control the way we perceive the outer world and clear these centers so we may experience freedom and optimal health!

Reiki (pronounced; ray-key)

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It was discovered by Mikao Usui in March 1922. Reiki is administered by "laying on hands" and techniques such as this have been used for thousands of years. Reiki is a very simple yet powerful healing technique.

Rei—Spiritual Wisdom
Ki—Life Energy

Therefore, when one is receiving a Reiki treatment the practitioner is tapping into Universal Life Force to access any energy blockages that obstruct life energy that cause dis-ease.

So, to give an understanding of this sacred work, I employ many modalities of healing mind, body and spirit. My truth and integrity comes from "God, The Creator Of Everything!"

Rahanni - what is Rahanni Celestial Healing?

Photo credit: Suzi | Crete, Greece

Chances are you probably haven’t yet heard of Rahanni Celestial Healing because it was only channeled in 2002 one August night to UK-based Carol Ann Stacey, when she woke up to find Lord Melchizedek standing in her bedroom.

Rahanni – meaning ‘Of One Heart’ – is a new healing modality for the “Age of Aquarius”. It vibrates on the pink ray of light that corresponds with the heart center, releasing all fear-based thinking and negativity, and opening us up to truth, love, and compassion.

As more and more people discover Rahanni it will raise the consciousness of humanity, helping us to understand and recognize our true essence, which is pure unconditional love.

Rahanni has been used for thousands of years but this is the first time it has been brought forward to this planet. It is believed to originate from the Pleiades, Sirius, and Andromeda.

Not only is this powerful healing light helping to raise the consciousness of humanity but it’s also releasing karmic debt, allowing everyone to move forward and have the quality of life they deserve.

Rahanni is not based on any religion, it is our natural essence, bringing balance to our body and mind.

How does Rahanni Work?

As mentioned, Rahanni means “Of One Heart”, there is no separation, we are all from one Divine universal life-force energy.

By vibrating on the pink ray of light which connects to the heart center it releases all fear-based thinking and negativity, opening us up to our natural essence of truth, love, and compassion and balances our masculine and feminine energies.

It helps to release our fears and negative thoughts accumulated over this and many past lifetimes, allowing our heart center to open fully to unconditional love, joy, inner peace and harmony.

Rahanni works with Ascended Masters Kwan Yin (the Goddess of Love and Compassion) and Lord Melchizedek, the Pink Celestial Angels, and the Archangels. 

I trained as a practitioner in October 2021. Traveling to California for my training I received my 'attunement' to this healing light.

Why is Rahanni Different?

The difference is the vibration.  Rahanni Celestial Healing works on a higher vibration and at a deeper level than any other healing modality at this time.

What are the benefits of Rahanni Celestial Healing?

Everyone can benefit from receiving Rahanni Celestial Healing, especially children because they are so open to these higher energies. It has been known to benefit children diagnosed with hyperactivity and A.D.D.

Having a Rahanni Celestial Healing is very beneficial for those suffering from emotional pain and trauma as it helps to reduce stress, anxiety, tension, and fear.

Rahanni is a wonderful therapy for those who wish to take “time out or me time” from the busy world we live in as it promotes relaxation, general health, and wellbeing.

Many people find their attitudes to life and its problems change for the better as a result of receiving Rahanni Celestial Healing. 

Animals also benefit from receiving Rahanni and have no problem accepting this wonderful healing light.

I practice Rahanni and Reiki as a beautiful fusion of channeled healing. I have come to call R&R Treatment.